When I'm On the Go...

Traveling is so much fun. through out the year I go to places and take lots of photos. this blog is a way to post some of them as I view them. On the Go is a Mobile blog. I am learning to send photos in via Mobile Phone. It should be a fun blog. Always learning and keeping my brain working to stay younger. Isn't technology GREAT!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Guess who's on the way?

Photo sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Oh I just have to tell this....I was standing there taking some ruby photos, when a little girl about 3, I guess, was standing at the entrance to the store. She was looking at the houses,like the photo here. Then she started Calling out..."Santa,Oh Santa, Oh Santa.....". getting louder with each phrase. As if to have him step out to talk to her. When her Mother heard her shouting, she ran over to the little girl and said "Come on... What are you doing?"( think the Mother was a bit embarrassed). I told the little girl He has not arrived yet but pretty soon he will be here. I had to chuckle, What a precious thing to see!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so impressed with your ability to post beautiful pix from your blackberry! Way to go.
